News and Information

Trimegah Sekuritas Dukung Ikatan Alumni SBM ITB Wujudkan Misi Lifelong Learning
Jakarta, 5 Juni 2024 – Dalam rangka mewujudkan misinya yaitu “Educate and create wealth for community through unique and professional investment experience”, PT Trimegah Sekuritas

20 Tahun SBM ITB Hadirkan Alumni Pemimpin Muda dengan Inisiatif Bisnis Kekinian
Jakarta, 18 Januari 2024. Dalam rangka merayakan hari ulang tahun Sekolah Bisnis dan Manajemen Institut Teknologi Bandung yang kedua puluh, hari ini diadakan Leader’s Talk

Adrian Ariatin Terpilih Menjadi Ketua IA-SM SBM ITB pada Kesempatan Alumni Gathering MSM DSM ITB 2024
Bandung, 13 Januari 2023 – Ikatan Alumni bersama Program Studi MSM-DSM mengadakan Alumni Gathering MSM-DSM di Kresna Student Lounge SBM ITB pada 13 Januari 2023,

Novrizal Pratama, Terpilih Menjadi Ketua IA SBM ITB Periode 2024-2027
Jakarta, 3 Desember 2023 – Ikatan Alumni (IA) SBM ITB kembali mengadakan acara Semua Bisa Merapat, pada kesempatan gathering alumni yang dihadiri oleh alumni SBM
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Said About SBM ITB
I really interesting with how MBA ITB teach me to analyse business case. Also the knowledge can give a best version and provided how to lead company.

Melvin Mumpuni
Interested in teaching case studies, with a realistic approach in the form of direct practice in the business case, also the knowledge provided how to lead a company

Andre Reksa Rajendra
Studying in SBM makes me understand the importance of knowledge economy index, and I beileve that Indonesia can do better. With limitations, we can look for other options that in Indonesia we could use local sourcing.

Rifani SSi, MBA
Don’t be complacent, mindset from early entry into the company is more into the devotion to the public society, what can I give, what kind of contribution to the country. Because of the things that I do have to be

M Ridwan Nurindah
Business is not always about money, but it’s about humanity and social. We will enter the “society 5.0”, that business only gains profit is not the era anymore. But we also have to make some impact, either on the public

Athalia Mutiara Laksmi
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