Welcome Alumni SBM ITB
At SBM ITB weare proud to have the largest global alumni community of any campus-based university in Bandung, with many of the 10,000 graduates we are in contact with holding top positions in every imaginable field.
We are here to help alumni maintain a lifelong connection with us and with each other, sharing experiences and expertise and enjoying alumni-exclusive offers, events, networking and volunteering opportunities.
IA SBM ITB has mission statement is subject to the following interpretive comments:
- Students include SBM ITB students, executives, managers, amateurs, professionals, government officers, and others who engage in the learning processes.
- Leadership is a process oriented to shape both character and competencies. Character relates to integrity and optimistic attitude to contribute better values to business and society. Students are exposed to programmed events that help them to influence and lead others by setting up targets, making & executing plans, and monitoring & evaluating results. Competencies are acquired from the use of experiential approach to understanding problem situations and finding effective solutions. The emphasis is on innovative competency that seeks solutions rather than being trapped in a situation of helplessness. Innovation is the key characteristic of ITB as a national icon of technological university in Indonesia that constantly seeks new values in technologies, processes, products & services, and business models. The education system of SBM ITB is aimed at nurturing innovative leaders with the attitude to seek for alternative ways and to influence others to take actions
- Entrepreneurial mindset is an integrated attitude constructed by capabilities in recognizing opportunities, willingness to take risks, taking decisions & responsibilities, and involving others to co-create values.
- Develop and disseminate knowledge of business and management by creating, capturing, researching, studying; followed by, delivering, sharing and applying business and management content for theoretical, practical, pedagogical, and sustainable development context.
- The betterment of Business, Government, and Society means that the work of SBM ITB ethically impacts the improvement of Business, Government, and Society in increasing their values and sustainability.